Busy Effin’ Day

2 03 2010

Ok so I have actually been On My Grind today for the first time in a while. Work this morning, internship in afternoon, class right after, workin on my psych paper, studyin for marketing, it has just been an all around long day. However I have loyal readers (maybe one… or two?) out there who I know are disappointed in my lack of blogging today. So  here’s a few things to fill everyone’s tastes:

First up,

LeBron to switch numbers?! I saw this today on ESPN and think its quite amusing (and on the business side, genius). He is definitely not the first major player to switch numbers (Kobe #8 -> #24), and, also announcing a number change today, Jacoby Ellsbury (#46 -> #2). LeBron has not officially gotten the change granted yet, but has put in a request. I can’t speak for all athletes, but I can only imagine this has SOMETHING to do with money. Aka, he wants more. Why do athletes change numbers? Yeah ok he says that he wants Jordan’s number retired around the league, but how about BILL RUSSELL and DR J… two NBA legends who made the #6 famous. Maybe LeBron has different ideas in mind; change your number, fans will need to get the new LeBron #6 jersey… Also making his LeBron #23 considered a collectors item… sounds like some decent money to me. But anyway, by no means am I accusing LeBron of being selfish, I am sure that part of him truly does want to do this out of respect for MJ. Either way, be ready to get your new #6 King James next year  (whether it be a Cavs, Knicks, or other jersey).


I’ve been meaning to put this up for a minute now but I’ve been to lazy. Got this from Goldie over at Keep It Surreal, another Preme Da Prez joint. “I Deserve T0 Be Here” is a song about stayin on your grind to come up from nothin, and truly deserve what you earned. Not like these dudes out there gettin $ from their parents who are millionaires, I’m talkin real hard work. Anyway, definitely check out this song, download it here. And if you havent heard Premes mix tape, check the sidebar, second album down “The Streets Need Music”.


I don’t know where you all are checkin’ in from, but if you’re down in the New Haven, CT area, it was niceeee (for  the most part…) today. Spring is finally in the air. And while the weather gets better, its time to break out some new kicks. Check out Complex’s top 100 of the 2000’s list, maybe you’ll find a nice pair to break out within the next few weeks. Click the images for more.

Ok people that’s about all I got for today. Ive been told that I am now almost 30 mins past my self-allotted study break… so I guess its time to get back On My Grind (aka back to learnin’ how to convince you all make expensive purchases so I can get paidddd) until next time, stay up.

Back On His Grind

1 03 2010

New look, new writers, new image, all around a fresh start over at Keep It Surreal. Goldie is back On His Grind after taking the month of February off. (He claims he was busy with schoolwork, I say he was straight bein’ lazy haha). He pledged to start blogging again March 1st, but I think he forgot that February was a short month since last night he realized the month was over. Regardless, he stuck to his promise and Keep It Surreal has a brand new look, Bizy Dream’n has a new image, and Chad is back doin’ his thing. Show him some love on his return and check out what he’s been up to. Until next time, stay Bizy Grindin’ (and Dream’n).