Top 20 x 2012 x Photos

6 01 2013

Starting a new year always brings an inspiration to set new goals and start new projects. So I figured I would start blogging again as part of my ‘New Years Resolution’ list. Anyway, whats a better way to bring in 2013 than to share what I found to be some of the best pictures of 2012. Be sure to check out the links attached to each photo for more info. Stay Up.

20) Purple Haze over Edinburgh Castle – Edinburgh, Scotland.


19) Lightning Clouds – Grand Cayman Islands.

18) Moonlit Rings – London, England. 

17) A 71,580 ft. Freefall – New Mexico.

16) Break in Time – Finale Emilia, Italy.

15) Superstorm Sandy – New York City, NY.


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